The last 6 decades of Artificial intelligence:

Malaika Rani
8 min read2 days ago

The Last 6 Decades of AI - and What Comes Next?


So we've heard a lot about artificial intelligence. And we've heard a lot about what people think about AI today. So I tried to figure out, what did we think about artificial intelligence many years ago.

Early Awareness and Skepticism:

So first of all, people asked, "What are you into?" I'd say artificial intelligence. And they'd say, "What's that?" So no one was really aware of it. 1956 was the conference where artificial intelligence got its name. So the views were quite different. People who were in computer science had heard of artificial intelligence. Most people were quite skeptical. They thought it would never happen, or if they thought it would happen, maybe it would happen in a century or several centuries. But the people that actually came to that Dartmouth conference in 1956, they were quite optimistic. Some of them, including Minsky, thought it would take like, one semester to reach -- HAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAH -- to reach the level of intelligence that humans had.

The Unique Human Advantage:



Malaika Rani

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